Monday, April 18, 2011

Similarities we have


  1. I guess we can start my dscussing the obvious simularities. For one thing we are both composers. We both share the passion of giving music to the world. I read in an interview with you that you are worried about beeing compared to your father. I don'y share this fear but I was very concerned with disapointing my family. Back when we were living a man needed to bring honor to his family and keep the name going. Apparently that is no longer in this day and age. One more thing I noticed was that We both started our musical career by playing the violin. In fact I don't think I know anyone that lived in our time period that didn't start out on the violin. I guess that was a common thing for our generation.

  2. Well is obvious that we both live in the musical world! Also that we live a breath music. Also we both play more than one instrument. We seem to both have to share that unfourtunate fact we did not really have any family. We also both traveled a lot! Although we share some similarities that aren't the best we still had great outcomes!
